So here we have it another video from a different camera. This camera was fitted to my helmet and I have to say I was impressed with how light the camera was and the fact that I forgot it was on my helmet was a good thing. I have noticed though that the camera was not fitted in the best place but I have now moved the camera back a little so hopefully when I take the bike out tomorrow we should see a little more of whats going on rather than the road 🙂
I have not sped this footage up at all as you can tell I wanted to show you the quality of these great little cameras. Which I am going to plug our sponsor again What i do like about the Hedcamz Wide is that its very light and it was a doddle to mount on to the helmet. I will be using this camera the next time I go karting as I think it will produce some great footage.
By the way I hope you like the music as you will be hearing a lot of it over the next few weeks 🙂