Serra d’enGalceran – Rob’s Place

Nick and Rob took Blobby to Els Ibarsos this morning, while Alex did some work, and I borrowed the wash-house and did 2 loads of washing (even though the weather is a bit crappy today), read a bit, and prepared ribs for tonight’s supper. Lunch didn’t really happen as we all nibbled leftovers from yesterday’s buffet. by the time supper time rolled around we were all very hungry. Angels (Rob’s neighbour) and her dog Custodia are coming for supper.
Bertie makes himself comfortable on the sofabed….

Jackets, salad, ribs and for pudding Stuffed Peaches…. normally made with ground almonds at home, but tonight stuffed with Rob’s almonds, which we blanched and ground by hand in a pestle and mortar, mixed with sugar, amaretto and butter… yummy!

Nick and Rob called in at the winery in Benlloch, and of course had to sample the wares… ended up buying gallons of the stuff in 6 litre bottles for the boot! We drank one quite happily between 5 of us that evening with the dinner! I spent a lot of time cuddling the preggers cat and watching wriggly kittens inside her tummy!

Serra d’enGalceran – Rob’s Place
We ate Rob’s homemade pink grapefruit marmalade (delicious, like confit grapefruit) and toast and coffee for breakfast. It’s raining today,and all my washing is on an airer in the bedroom. Cleaned the kitchen a bit, sat around being lazy and reading. Got a call at 1 oclock, Blobby is mended, 158 euros all in – and now we can look at moving off to the Pyrenees without worrying. Looking forward to tonight, Rob is cooking casserole of pork moroccan style, can’t wait.

Catherine’s lodger, Charlotte, is renting Rob’s mountain retreat for a few days for herself, her mother and a friend who are all arriving tonight, and are eating with us.
Rob has a separate little house which he rents out via a site called Air BnB, I was cheeky and took a load of photographs of it, and make no excuse for featuring it (on a sunnier day) here in our blog…. it’s quite beautiful – and if you’re in need of peace, solace, a stunning outlook and REALLY going off grid for a while, it’s just perfect.

If you’ve ever fancied dabbling in clay and trying some pottery you can do that too!

It’s called the Mountain Retreat, and that’s exactly what it is. Quite frankly – it does what it says on the tin!

It’s going to be nice to sleep in our own beds again tonight – it’s quite weird – feel homeless when Blobby is hors’d’combat! Rob cooked a fantastic meal for us tonight, followed by pears poached in Amaretto, lots of Benlloch tinto and lots of chatter. Charlotte, Ava, Christine and Alex were great company!

Cleared away the supper when they left, and eventually I staggered up the hill tired out.

Well the boys (Nick and Rob) sat up till 5 this morning setting the world to rights, so we’re going nowhere soon. Rob had to take Alex to the airport early – poor Rob! Nick fixed the spluttering fridge in the van, and discovered that we’re almost out of gas… all I can say is it lasted bloody well!

Nick requested peanut satay sauce even if we’re a bit light on the peanut butter front – it worked and tastes okay. I have some pork to marinade & put on skewers for later, the sun is out and the washing is dry, and we’re hooked up to Rob’s electric from about 3pm so if the gas does run out it’s not a problem.
Angels drove Rob to market this morning and he bought back some cider and morcillas from the market which we shared sitting in the sunshine – lovely!

Gathered some calendula seeds which I’m going to plant back home… they’re so pretty!

Nick and I cooked our pork satay with peanut sauce, coconut rice and some little veggy fritters with chilli sauce for supper. I don’t think Rob gets many meals cooked for him up here so it feels appreciated…

Apart from a small dog/cat fight under the table – I think Tinker is finding 3 doggies under her table a bit much in her gravid state – the evening is quiet and relaxed.

Tinker settles down in Rob’s dressing gown – it’s the odds-on favourite for the birth! We settle for an early night ready to leave early in the morning.


Bertie is going to miss this freedom so much when we move on….

We strolled down to say our thanks and goodbyes to Rob, for his hospitality and assistance with Blobby. He has promised to send us photos of the kittens! We didn’t leave empty handed – with gallons of Benlloch wine and a sack of Rob’s almonds on board! Thank you for making us so welcome Rob!

We set off and took on services at Salzanetta before settling on to the N340 heading north.

We stopped outside Tarragona for shopping and gas and a cheeky burger for breakfast.

We were headed for Vic for the night. The aire is grassy with about 10 electric hook up points if you want them… it’s in a zona d’esportiva, so the only disturbances are groups of runners!

When we parked up we noticed a Swedish lady that we’d seen when shopping this morning!
It appears she had also been at Daimus while we were there! small world.
Bertie is DEFINITELY missing Idgy and Custodia – there’s a black lab here and he’s bitterly disappointed it’s not his pal!