Are you tired of your life in the city or towns and want to escape? Have you thought about exchanging city pollution, bus routes, and busy footpaths of your city for the peace and tranquillity resting in the depths of nature. Hearing birds chirping instead of those honking cars in traffic. A place where the kids can play outside without fear of a nutjob person, but instead the only fear is of the wild animals.
Advancement of technologies has made the world so fast-paced which is resulting in us massively separating from nature. If you want to escape the modern day life for a more isolated existence, then we are here with 6 little houses in the middle of nature to fall in love with.
Hofskirkja – Iceland

Although Hofskirkja is currently a church which is surrounded in loads of lumpy bumpy grass, this church is also a home for people to stay in also. You will get the feeling of twilight while you are living here in these woods.
The Only Home On Ellidaey Island in Iceland

Yes, you heard it right, it is the only house present on an island all alone for many years. It is like heaven for an introvert. There will be no one to disturb you. Does this appeal to you or not? Leave a comment below.
Home Hidden In The Forest

It looks like someone stayed there once and then he died, but the house is still there in all its glory in the same condition as it was left. It is very hard for you to spot the house because it is completely covered by the trees, so well that it acts as a camouflage.
Hobbit House in Wales

People say that this house was built by a father looking to provide a comfortable life to his family without having such a negative impact on the environment so he built the hobbit house. The best part is that this home was built using all natural materials available within the area, but due to some issues with the local government this house is lonely as they are not allowed to stay there, also there is a dispute going on whether the house should be left or not.
The homebuilders have started a Facebook page by name of Charlie and Meg’s Roundhouse to gain support. They have managed to get thousands of likes since then, showing that even if the local politicians are pitting against this awesome little house, the whole world is with team Hobbit House.
Do you support them?
Abandoned Little House In Alberta Canada

The house is surrounded by miles of gold weeds and it could serve as a nice escape from reality although it needs some remodelling first.
Rock House in Middle of Drina River, Serbia

I have never seen such a beautiful thing in my whole life. A house standing on a stone in the middle of the river. It is located right near the town of Bajina Basta in Serbia.