Whale watching is often on peoples bucket lists, and I am fortunate to have travelled the world. I have seen whales in the wild in Canada and New Zealand, and seeing a large whale breaching is an unforgettable event.
Whale watchers around the world will often sit and wait for whales on the surface for many hours to get a glimpse of any movement. It can at times be very long and drawn out, and some may even say that whale watching can be tedious but seeing a whale breach is a magnificent thing.
However, some kayakers got a little too close for comfort in my opinion, and they got a whole lot more than they could ever imagine.
A passenger on Sanctuary Cruises captured the video explained that they were just outside the harbour in Moss Landing (near Monterey, California). When the tour had stopped to watch humpback whales feeding and that there were many kayakers in the middle of the humpbacks feeding. It was fun and amusing to see all of this happening, but it all changed when one of the humpbacks landed on a kayak.
According to the Telegraph, the Kayakers who were British said that onlookers had feared the worst as the pair disappeared from sight. Still, somehow they manage to escape unharmed, and the only damage to the kayak was a small dent to the bow of the kayak.
The two British kayakers described it to being like a building falling on them, explaining it felt like being in an avalanche or a bus landing on them.
That’s enough of me trying to describe it just watch the video below and see what you think.