This footage is almost beyond belief, and Miguel Pereira managed to capture this moment some deep-sea divers can up close to a huge monstrous sunfish basking in the warm waters off the coast of Portugal.

The youtube video which was posted in 2015 shows the Sunfish well known for its size and just seems quite happy for the group of divers to swim alongside it. The sunfish is a huge fish, and you can actually see the sunfish’ scale because of the divers. The description on the youtube video read:-
“The slow-moving fish and clear water allow for some spectacular close-ups of this amazing animal.”
Luckily for the divers, the Sunfish poses no threat for it mainly eats crustaceans and jellyfish.
Fortunately, despite their huge size, the fish poses no danger to humans as sunfish eat mostly jellyfish and crustaceans. The sunfish does look quite terrifying, and I should imagine to the untrained eye you would shit yourself if you had it swim up to you, but the sunfish are truly harmless.
The sunfish is the largest fish in the world to have bone skeletons rather than cartilage, and although their size makes them quite terrifying in appearance they are very docile and very much harmless, and the sunfish is considered a delicacy in parts of Taiwan and Japan. The sunfish are often seen basking on the surface on their sides.
This is something the divers will never forget, and thankfully they were filming so they could share it with us.